Thursday, May 21, 2009

Soft Opening

Hi Folks,

I've been contemplating since many months on this.

Was wondering if I should start my blog or not. Many questions came up in my mind - Why, How, When, Where - but somehow I felt that I've not been listening carefully.

Not listening to whom??? To the many people who insisted me to write. Write what?Write about myself, my life, experiences, those moments, the world that we live in.

They always encouraged me by saying that I write well and I write long enough that if I wanted to do so, I could write a book some day itself.

This entry is dedicated for those people who always believed in me that I can write well and for those who thought I made a difference to their lives. Hope, it was a positive difference.

I'll be soon starting to write more and more on this blog. However, I'm new to this world of blogging.

So, I thought let's experiment with the first entry. I remember a scene from the movie 'Ocean's 13' where the Bank Hotel has a "soft opening" on schedule. The 2 words clicked in my mind and so was born the title of this first entry. I feel that this title fits the occasion perfectly. Also, the content I write in here is more like a "soft opening".

I hope that the people who read the entries in my blog will excuse me if I do not write well. Yes, I've decided to open the book of my life and let people see what's happening in the universe surrounding this 25 year old guy.

Until my next post, as I always say to my friends, who say Bye Bye when leaving, I sign off by saying the same what I say to them as well:

" Never say Bye. Always say 'See Ya'. "

Here's Ronnie signing off... See Ya Folks !


  1. Heyyyyyyyyyyyy good start Rohan :) ...........even I have been delaying ya..........will start a blog soon............

    We(your friends) are looking forward for many interesting posts from your end :D ...............cya!!

  2. Greattttttttttttt job yaaaaaaaaaa...... :)

    Will start my blog also soon.........delayed it till date!!

    We(your friends) are eagerly aaiting your interesting posts :)


  3. decent start buddy!!....hope it goes far

  4. not bad for a start "Ronnie"... never knew u were called "Ronnie" doesnt sound like u... anyway... write ur heart out boy... who cares what the world thinks...


  5. You expressed yourself in so simple words that makes u and your story enchanted and enlighted...


  6. it feels as if it's written by me

    Gud Luck Rohan!!
