Monday, June 22, 2009

Know Your Host

Now is the time to move ahead of the ‘Soft Opening’ post. Before I begin sharing my life and the experiences that have made it up, let me thank those people who read the previous post and took their time off to write a comment on the same. Appreciate your generous response, friends! That’s exactly the kind of support I’m looking forward to, as I write more and more.

Rather than start with some incident or moment that have taken place in my life, I’d begin with a background of myself, telling you all who am I, where am I from, what do I do, what have I done and other stuff. That’s the reason why I give this post a title of ‘Know Your Host’.

By now, it should be obvious to you all but as a formal start, let me say that my name is Rohan Naik. Now don’t get confused with the surname – its Naik, not Nayak – well, I’ve been made a South Indian (Nayak) by many people due to this confusion. To clarify then, I tell them that I’m a Maharashtrian and that the right surname is Naik. It’s not that I mind it but better tell people the real name so that an imaginary guy named Rohan Nayak doesn’t get created.

I was born Sagittarian on December 16, 1983 (a Friday) in the afternoon at around 1:45 or 1:50 pm. Don’t worry about the detail that I’ve given out here regarding my birth. There’s a reason for mentioning each detail in that line and that will become more clear as I go ahead.

I live in Matunga and am a true Mumbaikar. Proud to be one. Love this city, it’s the best in the world, according to me.

Don Bosco is the institution that I can never forget in my life. It is my school – the best school that I can ever think of – considering the years in which I did my schooling (from 1987 to 1999). This school is way ahead of the other schools, when I look back in time and notice certain things.

After spending 12 years in a boys’ school, comes the time in my life where I join a junior college that’s famous for having girls as a majority. The college??? Ruia College, of course. 2 years of life at Ruia College were unique in one sense that we boys were a minority as the college had 70% students of the opposite gender. I studied Computer Science instead of Biology and that meant the only language course that I would study was English.

Getting a Bachelor’s Degree from the infamous Mumbai University wasn’t easy. To make matters worse, the college I opted for was Vivekananda College in Chembur (popularly known as VESIT – the full form being Vivekananda Education Society’s Institute of Technology). I say worse not because I think my decision was bad to join this college, but because of the discipline (almost jail like) that we went through during the first 2 years. But overall, I would say I opted for a good choice – in the end, I got enough learning from this institution.

More details on each of these educational phases would follow in subsequent posts.

But for now, let me keep the door open for you all by giving these short notes above as trailers. Rather, each phase of my life that I describe here would be like a trailer or an episode. I’ll cover more on them later.

When I was in VESIT in the third year of Computer Engineering, I was selected through campus placement in an IT company called Syntel. I spent 2 years, 7 months and 5 days in Syntel and can proudly say that my first company was a dream company to work for. Great stories to follow on this front but not now.

After Syntel, I got selected in IMNU (also known as Institute of Management, NIRMA University) for doing a full-time MBA programme. I’ve completed 1 year out of the 2 year course, did my summer internship at an IT company called Omnitech and have come back to college for the final year of MBA programme.

That’s my academic and professional life – described as a trailer of a movie and at a fast pace. But, the real movie is still left, my dear friends.

Now, let’s move on towards my personal life.

The people who know me since my childhood days will vouch for claiming that I am a shy and reserved guy. I don’t disagree with them but I can say that I’ve so-called improved and become more open as life has emerged. I’m somewhat lazy but that’s more when doing things I don’t like much. Whereas I’m really up for it when something excites me and I feel like doing the same.

I have been performing well in academics and to an extent good enough in sports. Friends and acquaintances do say that I am intelligent and humble. I agree with them to an extent but I’ve always underestimated my capabilities – that has been the case with me always.

I’ve never expected too much from myself which is why I don’t get disappointed. Rather, my friends have had much larger expectations from me regarding academics and some other things. I’ve shared the same thought when interacting with some of them clearly mentioning about how I think about myself and my abilities and they seem amused when I tell them the same.

I can analyze things, situations and problems well – that’s been one really great feedback I’ve received every time – about my analytical skills. About people skills, I feel that I need to learn as this is something which is never ending and cannot be stopped from learning. You meet different types of people often and learn from every experience.

Regarding helping out, people around me say I’m helpful and that’s one really positive thing which I would like to keep hearing. It feels nice to bring a smile to someone’s face. That’s one funda of my life – I find my happiness in others’ happiness. I like to see people smile and be happy – it makes the world a nicer place to live in.

Interacting with girls has been a roller coaster ride, from being in a boys’ school to the current day – so many different stories and of course, when it comes to girls, there is also a moral of the story for each one. More to continue on the same in latter posts – it’s a long version.

What more can I write??? I’m unable to come up with more but maybe you people can help me. I’m most welcome to know what you found missing in this post and what would you like me to post out here in relation to my so-called ‘Introduction’.

Do keep writing in your suggestions, looking forward to receiving the same. Until then, see ya folks!